Foreign Internship Program

The Foreign Internship Program aims to streamline the application and selection process for sophomore foreign research internships. Through increased number and transparency of opportunities, this program promotes a more holistic research culture among UG students and helps them gain world-class research exposure.

 (Last Date: 8th April’22)

Research Area: Multiple engineering disciplines
Open for: BB1, CH1, CH7, CS1, CS5, CE1, EE1, EE3, AM1, MS1, MT1, MT6, ME1, ME2, PH1

Name of University

American University of Beirut

School/Dept/Centre Name

Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Research Area

Multiple engineering disciplines

Project Title

We will distribute students according to applicants

Project Description


Project Website

Nature of Internship



Could be paid, we will check based on projects

Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)


Start and End Dates


Eligible Student Programs

Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering (Power and Automation), Engineering and Computational Mechanics, Materials Engineering, Mathematics and Computing, Mechanical Engineering, Production and Industrial E0ngineering, Engineering Physics

CGPA Criteria

No criteria

Skills Required


Research Area: Thin film and single crystal semiconductors
Open for: CS1, CS5, MT1, MT6, MS1

Name of University

Case Western Reserve University

School/Dept/Centre Name

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Research Area

Thin film and single crystal semiconductors

Project Title

Modelling of thin film growth via atomic layer deposition

Project Description


Project Website


Nature of Internship



$5000 total over eight weeks

Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)


Start and End Dates

23 May - 22 July

Eligible Student Programs

Computer Science and Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mathematics and Computing

CGPA Criteria


Skills Required


Research Area: Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering
Open for: CH1, CH7

Name of University

Case Western Reserve University

School/Dept/Centre Name

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Research Area

Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering

Project Title

Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering

Project Description

Various projects in energy storage and high-temperature electrochemistry are available.

Project Website

Nature of Internship




Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)


Start and End Dates

mid-May to mid-July

Eligible Student Programs

Chemical Engineering

CGPA Criteria


Skills Required


Research Area: Mathematical modelling and Data Analytics for Healthcare applications
Open for: BB1, CS1, CS5, AM1, MT1, MT6, PH1

Name of University

University of Exeter

School/Dept/Centre Name

Mathematics/EPSRC Hub for Quantitative Modelling in Healthcare/Living Systems Institute

Research Area

Mathematical modelling and Data Analytics for Healthcare applications

Project Title

Modelling Living Systems

Project Description

The specific project details would be defined based on the student's interests. There are a number of possible project areas including antimicrobial resistance, single cell sequencing data analysis, brain networks and hormone dynamics.

Project Website

Nature of Internship




Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)


Start and End Dates

Between 10th May-10th July 

Eligible Student Programs

Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Computer Science and Engineering, Engineering and Computational Mechanics, Mathematics and Computing, Engineering Physics

CGPA Criteria


Skills Required

Programming in either R, and/or Python, and/or MATLAB, and/or C++; mathematical modelling

Research Area: Spin Qubits in 2D Materials
Open for: EE1, MS1, PH1

Name of University

University of Exeter

School/Dept/Centre Name

College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences

Research Area

Quantum photonics

Project Title

Spin Qubits in 2D Materials

Project Description

Quantum networks promise to revolutionise computing and communication, with the underlying idea to link individual or small clusters of qubits via a photonic channel. Amongst many potential architectures, colour centres in wide bandgap semiconductors provide a versatile platform and considerable progress has been made, particularly with the negatively charged nitrogen vacancy in diamond (NV) (see ref. 1 for a recent review). Colour centres in hBN [2] are an interesting alterative and have shown considerable early promise, thanks to their excellent optical properties, potential for photonic integration and recently the report of optically detected spin resonance [3]. This project will build on our recent work [4,5] and will use coherent control techniques to manipulate electron and nuclear spin qubits in hBN devices.

[1] Awschalom et al., Nat. Photonics 12, 516 (2018).
[2] Castelletto et al., Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 11, 740 (2020).
[3] Gottscholl et al., Nature Materials 19, 540 (2020).
[4] Khatri et al., Nano Lett. 20, 4256 (2020).
[5] Baber et al., Nano Lett. 22, 461 (2022).

Project Website


Nature of Internship

On site



Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)


Start and End Dates


Eligible Student Programs

Electrical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Engineering Physics

CGPA Criteria

No criteria

Skills Required


Research Area: Smart Manufacturing
Open for: ME1, ME2

Name of University

University of Exeter

School/Dept/Centre Name

Engineering Department, Exeter Digital Enterprise Systems Lab (ExDES)

Research Area

Smart Manufacturing

Project Title

Smart maintenance tool using hybrid data

Project Description

This project aims to integrate different type of data into in maintenance smart application. There is a front end/back end app developed, and a data collection system installed in our workshop. This stage is focused on the development of the maintenance framework.

Project Website

Nature of Internship

On site



Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)


Start and End Dates

23 May - 15 July

Eligible Student Programs

Mechanical Engineering, Production and Industrial Engineering

CGPA Criteria


Skills Required

Manufacturing systems, statistics, data analysis

Research Area: Quantum computing
Open for: PH1

Name of University

University of Exeter

School/Dept/Centre Name

Department of Physics

Research Area

Quantum computing

Project Title

Developing quantum computing tools for strongly-correlated magnetism

Project Description

Our goal will be to develop algorithms for near-term quantum computing for finding ground state of honeycomb Kitaev model at large scale.

Project Website

Nature of Internship



Unpaid (It is possible to discuss paid options, but depends on the interest from applicants and level)

Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)


Start and End Dates

mid-May to mid-July

Eligible Student Programs

Engineering Physics

CGPA Criteria

No criteria

Skills Required

quantum computing, tensor networks, Julia, magnetism

Research Area: Machine Learning and Decision Making in Conflicting Scenarios
Open for: CH1, CH7, CS1, CS5, CE1, MT1, MT6, ME1, PH1

Name of University


University of Exeter


School/Dept/Centre Name

Computer Science


Research Area


Machine Learning and Decision Making in Conflicting Scenarios


Project Title


AI and Multiple Criteria Decision Making


Project Description

Trade-off between objectives (or criteria) is natural in solving many real-world optimisation
problems. For instance, minimising environmental emissions such as Nitrogen oxide and
maximising profit are typically conflicting in nature. Another example of such a trade-off is to maximising the potency of a drug and minimising the costs. Such problems having conflicting objectives are known as multi-objective optimisation problems. In this project, you will explore machine learning methods including deep learning and Bayesian methods to provide a decision support in solving such problems. You will have the opportunity to work closely with industrial and academic partners.


Project Website


Nature of Internship






Number of Offers



Duration (in weeks)




Start and End Dates


June 2022 to August 2022


Eligible Student Programs


Chemical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mathematics and Computing, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Physics


CGPA Criteria





Skills Required


Basic skills in programming, basic knowledge of machine learning tools, enthusiasm to learn and explore

Research Area: Climate science
Open for: CS1, CS5, MT1, MT6

Name of University

University of Exeter

School/Dept/Centre Name


Research Area

Climate science

Project Title

Use of AI/ML in predicting short term variations in climate

Project Description

You will use AI/ML techniques to investigate predictions of climate phenomena such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation, the North Atlantic Oscillation and monsoon onset dates. The project will involve using state-of-the-art model and re analysis products.

Project Website

Nature of Internship




Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)


Start and End Dates


Eligible Student Programs

Computer Science and Engineering, Mathematics and Computing

CGPA Criteria

No criteria

Skills Required

Numeracy and programming ability e.g. Python, MATLAB, R

Research Area: Wireless Communications
Open for: EE1

Name of University


Queen's University Belfast


School/Dept/Centre Name

Institute of Electronics, Communications & Information Technology (ECIT)


Research Area


Wireless Communications


Project Title


Cell-Free Massive MIMO in Machine-Type Communications


Project Description


Project Website


Nature of Internship

On site





Number of Offers



Duration (in weeks)


at least 24 weeks


Start and End Dates



Eligible Student Programs


Electrical Engineering


CGPA Criteria




Skills Required



Research Area: Electrochemical, wastewater treatment
Open for:  CH1, CH7

Name of University

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (The National University of Malaysia)

School/Dept/Centre Name

Department of Chemical and Process Engineering

Research Area

Electrochemical, wastewater treatment

Project Title

Electrochemical degradation of persistent organic contaminants in wastewater

Project Description

Persistent organic contaminants such as pesticides and pharmaceutical residues have alarmed many countries due to their carcinogenic properties. Existing wastewater treatment facilities could not remove these pollutants. Electrochemical process is a powerful technology that has high potential to not only remove the persistent organic contaminants but also degrade them into harmless compounds. This simultaneously solve the secondary waste generation issue that faced by other treatment technologies. This project will evaluate the performance of electrochemical process in degrading various types of persistent organic contaminants in different wastewater sources.

Project Website

Nature of Internship




Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)


Start and End Dates


Eligible Student Programs

Chemical Engineering

CGPA Criteria

No criteria

Skills Required

Basic understanding about electrochemical process

Research Area: Biosensors
Open for: BB1, MS1

Name of University

University of Birmingham

School/Dept/Centre Name


Research Area


Project Title

Leaky Waveguide Biosensors

Project Description

Thin films of hydrogels can serve as leaky waveguide (LW) sensors [1, 2]. The project will synthesise PEG monomers [3] and photocrosslinkable carboxymethyl dextran [4], and then study their light triggered gelation [5], ability to form thin films by spin coating, porosity, potential to rehydrate, and reproducibility.

[1] R. Gupta, N.J. Goddard, Leaky Waveguides (LWs) for Chemical and Biological Sensing − A Review and Future Perspective, Sens. Act. B, 2020, 128628.
[2] R. Gupta, N.J. Goddard, A Study of Diffraction-based Chitosan Leaky Waveguide (LW) Biosensors, Analyst, 2021, 4964.
[3] X. Zhao, P. Shan, H. Liu, D. Li, P. Cai, Z. Li, Z. Li, Poly(ethylene glycol)s With a Single Cinnamaldehyde Acetal Unit for Fabricating Acid-Degradable HydrogelFront. Chem., 2020, 839.
[4] A. Brunsen, U. Ritz, A. Mateescu, I. Höfer, P. Frank, B. Menges, A. Hofmann, P. M. Rommens, W. Knollf, U. Jonas, Photocrosslinkable Dextran Hydrogel Films as Substrates for Osteoblast and Endothelial Cell Growth, J. Mater. Chem.,2012, 22.
[5] H. Wang, L.G. Chen, L.N. Sun, Digital Microfluidics: A Promising Technique for Biochemical Applications, Front. Mech. Eng., 2017, 12, 4, 510.

Project Website

Nature of Internship

On site



Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)


Start and End Dates

From mid-May

Eligible Student Programs

Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Materials Engineering

CGPA Criteria


Skills Required


Research Area: Supramolecular Chemistry
Open for: CH1, CH7, MS1

Name of University

University of Birmingham

School/Dept/Centre Name

School of Chemistry

Research Area

Supramolecular Chemistry

Project Title

Supramolecular Chemistry: From Metal-organic Frameworks to Crystal Engineering and Mechanically-Interlocked Molecules

Project Description

Projects in the Champness research group range across the breadth of supramolecular chemistry including the study of porous metal-organic and hydrogen-bonded frameworks (MOFs and HOFs) and mechanically-interlocked molecules, such as rotaxanes. Our studies focus on synthetic approaches and characterisation by diffraction methods,  electrochemistry and EPR spectroscopy.

Project Website

Nature of Internship

On site



Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)


Start and End Dates

Any time between May-July

Eligible Student Programs

Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering

CGPA Criteria


Skills Required

Chemistry Knowledge and Skills

Research Area: Innovative, data-driven strategies for plastics recycling and upcycling
Open for: CH1, CH7, CS1, CS5, MS1, MT1, MT6

Name of University


University of Birmingham



School/Dept/Centre Name



Research Area


Computational chemistry, machine learning/artificial intelligence, sustainable polymers, green strategies to tackle plastic wastes


Project Title


Innovative, data-driven strategies for plastics recycling and upcycling


Project Description

Plastics have helped to build the modern world. The high performance, low cost, durability, safeness, and processability of plastics have led to their ever-expanding uses. Whilst being essential components of our lives, plastics have contributed to many serious environmental crises in India and across the whole world. Most plastics are produced for single-use applications, with a short use life, and only a tiny percentage of plastics that are manufactured are recycled (Sardon & Dove, Science, 2018, 360, 380). It is therefore important to understand and control polymer degradation, as well as designing new polymers that degrade in a controlled and predictable manner.

The proposed project will focus on using computation—quantum chemical calculations, molecular modelling, and data-driven heuristics—to accelerate the development of innovative strategies to recycle and upcycle plastic wastes into high-value products, in close collaboration with Prof Andrew Dove, a world-leading expert in sustainable polymers ( This project will entail a combination of computational chemistry, machine learning, and generation and curation of (big) chemical data, with the mission of using computation to inform experiment.

The objectives will include
(1) investigating the suitability of different literature and in-house featurization methods for encoding polymers numerically for machine learning (weeks 1–2);
(2) developing a data-driven approach to closed-loop optimization of experimental parameters for plastic degradation (weeks 3–10), which will be based on Bayesian optimization and active machine learning;
(3) developing predictive structure–property relations for plastic degradation (weeks 5–10), which will leverage the data collected in objective 2 and the rich data accumulated in the Dove group over the years;
(4) investigating possible correlations between polymer structure and environmental degradation (weeks 8–10).

For objective 2, our computational efforts will be mapped onto relevant experimental efforts in the Dove group. For objectives 3 and 4, a database of existing experimental data in the Dove group will be collated and curated, which will have a long-lasting impact beyond the end of the internship. This opportunity could appeal to a student in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or Materials Science/Engineering who is proficient in python programming or to a Computer Science student who is passionate about applying their knowledge and skills to chemical data for addressing the pressing societal challenges from plastic wastes.


Project Website


Nature of Internship

On site



There is scope for supporting the student with a stipend (approx. £150 per week). This can be explored and confirmed at a later stage.



Number of Offers



Duration (in weeks)




Start and End Dates


May - July


Eligible Student Programs


Chemical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mathematics and Computing


CGPA Criteria





Skills Required


Python/Julia programming

Research Area: Sensing, microfluidics, analytical chemistry, organic synthesis
Open for: BB1, CH1, CH7, MS1

Name of University

University of Birmingham

School/Dept/Centre Name


Research Area

Sensing, microfluidics, analytical chemistry, organic synthesis

Project Title

Sensing of aminoglycosides such as gentamicin

Project Description

Aminoglycosides, such as gentamicin, are important bactericidal agents with a broad spectrum of activity, with particular use in the treatment of serious gram-negative infections. They are key antibiotics recommended for use by WHO to combat rising global antimicrobial resistance. However, they require serum monitoring to guide dosing and prevent toxicity (e.g. nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity). Current techniques to measure the serum concentrations are laborious, requiring skilled technicians and specialist equipment, with long turnaround times.

In the first project, which is offered by Prof. Tim Albrecht, a student would explore electrochemical sensing as an alternative approach, in particular in electrolyte media such ionic liquids or deep eutectic solvents. In the second project, which is offered by Dr Ruchi Gupta, a student would explore an electrophoretically-driven lateral-flow assay with fluorescence detection. These methods may be combined en route to the development of a rapid, point-of-care therapeutic drug monitoring device to measure gentamicin levels. On both these projects, students would generate a first set of pilot data to help us evaluate these new sensing approaches.

Project Website and

Nature of Internship

On site



Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)

8-10 weeks

Start and End Dates

From mid-May

Eligible Student Programs

Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering

CGPA Criteria


Skills Required

Materials chemistry, microfabrication

Research Area: Inorganic Chemistry
Open for: CH1, CH7, MS1

Name of University


University of Birmingham


School/Dept/Centre Name



Research Area


Inorganic Chemistry


Project Title


Nanoparticles for detection and therapy


Project Description

The projects in the Pikramenou group bring together coordination chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, inorganic photophysics and nanoscience to design luminescent molecular and nanosized probes. We combine fundamental curiosity-driven chemical design with applications in biomedicine which bring fascinating new challenges in molecular, biomolecular and nano-science for us to explore, which we do in collaboration with medical scientists, dentists, biochemists, physicists and engineers. Our projects design coordination complexes with distinct photophysical properties which we transcribe to nanoscale by grafting them to nanoparticles. We deploy gold and silica nanoparticles as scaffolds for attachment of metal probes, selected for their intrinsic properties as materials suited to multimodal detection and drug delivery, their chemical versatility for attaching targeting vectors, low toxicity and controlled size and shape. The nanoparticles are designed to probe and detect biomolecular interactions in cells and tissues, and/or deliver therapeutic drugs. Their properties are controlled: by their size/shape; by attached targeting vectors; or through the recognition properties of the metal complex probe on their surface. The metal complex design dictates the detection signal as well as the interaction of the nanoparticle with its local environment. Our nanosized probes provide localized control of detection and drug delivery at a biomolecular size scale.


Project Website


Nature of Internship

On site



Currently there is no funding but I’ll explore of a small honorarium 500 stlg


Number of Offers



Duration (in weeks)


8-10 weeks


Start and End Dates


Flexible from May to September


Eligible Student Programs


Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering


CGPA Criteria




Skills Required


Chemistry synthetic expertise


Research Area: Mathematics
Open for: All

Name of University

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

School/Dept/Centre Name

Institute for Mathematical and Computational Engineering

Research Area


Project Title

Control of Physical Systems

Project Description

Many Physical systems are described using Partial Differential Equations. When we want to control such systems we face technical difficulties coming from the fact that we deal with inifnite-dimensional dynamical systems. We can study properties as controllability and stabilization in this framework.

Project Website


Nature of Internship




Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)


Start and End Dates


Eligible Student Programs

All branches

CGPA Criteria

No criteria

Skills Required

Differential Equations, Advanced Calculus, Fucntional Analysis (optional)

Research Area: Differential Privacy, Stochastic Convex Optimization
Open for: CS1, CS5, MT1, MT6

Name of University

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

School/Dept/Centre Name

Institute for Mathematical and Computational Engineering

Research Area

Differential Privacy, Stochastic Convex Optimization

Project Title

A Universal Algorithm for Differentially Private Stochastic Convex Optimization

Project Description

Existing optimal algorithms for differentially private convex optimization are heavily tuned to the geometry of the underlying space (e.g., noisy stochastic gradient descent in Euclidean space, and noisy stochastic Frank-Wolfe for ell_1 geometry). The goal of this project is to design an general algorithm that simultaneously achieves optimal rates under different geometries.

Project Website

Nature of Internship

On site at University of Twente, Netherlands


Unpaid (I do not have guaranteed funding at the moment, but if you are interested and need funding please let me know)

Number of Offers


Duration (in weeks)


Start and End Dates


Eligible Student Programs

Computer Science and Engineering, Mathematics and Computing

CGPA Criteria


Skills Required

Knowledge of convex optimization (stochastic gradient descent, mirror descent), interest in probability theory. Knowledge of differential privacy is desirable, but not required.