IIT Delhi invites candidates with a PhD degree in the appropriate branch/discipline to apply for the position of an Assistant Professor in its various academic units. We are especially looking for candidates with strong academic and research credentials supported by publications in reputed conferences and journals. Foreign nationals are employed on a 5-yr contract which is renewable.
Candidates with a 3-yr post-doctoral teaching and research experience are eligible for the position of an Assistant Professor (Pay level 12) while those with less than 3-yrs post-doctoral experience can be considered for the position of an Assistant Professor (Pay level 11).
Assistant Professors starting in Pay level 12 receive a minimum pay of Rs.101,500 per month for 12 months every year. This basic pay is incremented every year by 3%. In addition, all employees of IIT Delhi are provided with a dearness allowance to compensate for price rises. The allowance is updated every six months and is currently (as of 2021) 21% of the basic pay.
After completion of 3 years of service as Assistant Professor in Pay Level 12, faculty members are considered for movement to Pay Level 13A1 (minimum pay Rs.131,400)
IIT Delhi is a residential campus and accommodation on campus is provided to all faculty members against payment of a nominal fee (Rs 800-1800 per month depending on kind of accomodation). Faculty members who stay outside the campus are entitled to a House Rent Allowance which is 24% of their basic pay.
Leased accommodation outside the campus (when not available in Campus) is supported through reimbursement/payment of a monthly rent of upto Rs. 35,000/-.
IIT Delhi has its own Hospital (staffed by 12+ Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists) within the campus which provides out-patient consultation and limited in-patient care. A well-stocked pharmacy disburses medicines prescribed by the Hospital. Faculty members and their listed dependents may use these facilities and services without any charge. In addition, faculty members may opt for a group medical insurance policy towards procedures in listed hospitals limited to Rs 500,000 against payment of 1% of Basic pay.
A Relocation allowance, as a reimbursement of expenses incurred on travel by self and family and for transportation of household goods, is available to all faculty members when they join the Insititute. The allowance is limited to Rs 100,000 for faculty joining the Institute from abroad and ₹ 50,000 for faculty joining the Institute from India. The Reimbursement is subject to an undertaking from the faculty member to serve IIT Delhi for a period of two years.
IITD provides up to Rs. 100,000 in the form of a grant to help new faculty settle down with necessary equipment like Personal Computer, printer etc for office/lab use. A start-up seed grant of up to Rs 2,000,000 is available to new faculty to create laboratory infrastructure in their area of expertise and set research goals for themselves.
IITD also provides an additional grant up to Rs 3,000,000 for equipment to match funding provided by external agencies. These grants are to be availed within 3 years of joining.
A Young Faculty Incentive Fellowship Scheme (YFIF) grants newly recruited young faculty members (at the level of Assistant Professor) an honorarium of Rs 25,000 per month. The fellowship, awarded on the recommendation of the Selection Committee, is admissible for at almost 3 years from the date of joining or till the faculty member attains the pay level 13A1 (whichever is earlier).
Faculty members excelling in teaching and research can be appointed to Chair Positions that entitle them to a research grant of Rs 200,000 per annum and a monthly honorarium of Rs 25,000 per month for a period of 3 years (extendable up to 5 years).
Rs 300,000 is available to each faculty member for a block of 3 years to support travel for attending national/international conferences/symposiums, purchasing books and other contingent items, acquiring membership of Professional Societies etc.
A number of additional allowances are provided to faculty members. These includes partial reimbursement for telephone expenses, support for Children’s education, a traveling allowance etc.
Dean, International Programs
Prof. James Gomes
Professor, Kusuma School of Biological Sciences, IIT Delhi