Promote joint research projects among IIT Delhi and New Zealand universities in thematic areas of research important for both countries;
Provide a forum for India-New Zealand dialogue among different sectors (government, academia, and business) in education, cultural exchange and cooperation, economic transformation, innovation and national growth strategies, and other topics of mutual interest
Undertake special projects to enhance New Zealand-India understanding and cooperation in research, teaching, publication, patents, and start-up ventures
University of Auckland
University of Canterbury
University of Otago
University of Waikato
Victoria University of Wellington
Auckland University of Technology
Lincoln University
Massey University
On the NZ side an Advisory Committee comprising of representatives from the New Zealand Universities, and representatives from New Zealand government agencies will oversee alignment between the Centre’s activities and the strategic objectives of New Zealand stakeholders
Annual programme for visiting researchers and academics from New Zealand; and a reciprocal programme for visiting researchers and academics from IIT Delhi to New Zealand
Deliver Public seminars, conferences or workshops on topics relevant to NZIndia research and policy Guest lecturers in collaboration with Education New Zealand
Facilitate visiting student(s) in coordination with the hosting NZ university
This Research Collaboration Development Fund will serve as the means to demonstrate benefits of collaboration between IIT Delhi and New Zealand universities.
The jointly-funded Research Collaboration Development Fund would foster collaborative, sustainable, self-supporting research programmes by providing seed monies to New Zealand universities to develop plans for long-term programmes integrating academics, students and researchers from both universities.
At IIT Delhi the Seed Fund will be implemented and administered by the Industrial Research and Development Unit (IRD) as part of its MFIRP initiative. Learn More about the Seed Fund here.