PhD Programmes at IIT Delhi

Solid Mechanics: Large Deformations, Impact Mechanics, Elasticity, Piezothermoelasticity, Composite Materials and structures Plates and Shells, Non-linear Dynamics and Chaos, Off-Shore Structures, Smart Structures, Structural Stability, Snow Mechanics, Dynamic Plasticity, Nano Composites, Damage Mechanics, Soft Materials, Structural Health Monitoring, Functionally Graded Structures, Multi-Scale Modelling of Nano-Structures, Biomechanics/Cell Mechanics, Cardiovascular Biomechanics, Brain Biomechanics, Computational Surgery. 

Fluid Mechanics: Internal and External Flows, Solid-Liquid Flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hydrodynamic Stability; Turbulence, Aerodynamics; Turbulent Heat Transfer Compressible Flows, Fluid-structure Interaction.

Design Engineering: Computer Aided Design, Reliability Engineering, Engineering Alternative, Ergonomics, Reverse Engineering, Design and Analysis of Biomedical Devices, Compliant Mechanisms and Smart Instrumentation, Bio-inspired Engineering.

Microbial and Enzyme Engineering: Analysis and design of microbial and enzyme reactors for production of industrially important products such as biofuels, industrial enzymes, biopolymers, organic solvents, biofertilizers and biopesticides etc.; development of bio-sensors for detection of various analytes; Whole cell catalyzed biotransformations. 

Bioseparation and Downstream Processing: Membrane based separation processes, chromatographic separation processes, Membrane processes for water recycle. 

Metabolic engineering: Application of metabolic engineering principles for the development of cell factories for the production of important metabolites including renewable chemicals and therapeutic compounds.

Animal and plant cell culture: Development of cell culture techniques for cultivation of plant and animal cells in specialized reactors for production of therapeutic compounds.

Environmental Biotechnology: The development of reactors and processes for stabilization of organic and industrial wastes; Laccase engineering for treatment of textile effluents; Effect of environmental factors on microbial community dynamics.

Biochemistry and molecular biology: Industrial enzymes, development of recombinant clones for over-production of enzymes and metabolites, development of expression systems in bacteria and yeasts, Human therapeutics production in yeast, bioenergetics and biological molecular machines, Nanoparticle-based drug delivery and protein-based nanodevices, cancer biology, microRNA biology.

Bioinformatics and Genomics: Genome editing with programmable nucleases; analysis and interpretation of next-generation sequencing data; traditional home-medicine and cancer big data analysis.

Biophotonics: Development of fluorescence and optical imaging methods for detection of single molecules to the whole cell. Application of these methods for biosensing of pathogenic microbes and cancer cells.

Agricultural Microbiology: Plant microbe interactions; biocontrol.

Electromicrobiology: Extracellular electron transfer; microbial electrochemistry.


Environmental Engineering : Urban air quality management; indoor air pollution; water and waste water treatment; Emerging water contaminants (Nano particles, Antibiotics); urban water and waste water Management; Non-point source Pollution; Membrane Biological Treatment Process; Modeling, simulation and optimization of Environmental systems; Environmental Impact Assessment; Human Health Risk Assessment; solid waste management; incineration waste-to-energy; circulating fluidized bed operations; Landfill Management; Carbon sequestration; sustainable development (Urban cities/growth centres); Environmental Risk Analysis, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications for Environmental Management. Aerosol characterization, local and regional air quality, climate change and health impact.

Geotechnical Engineering : Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering; Rock Mechanics, Rock Engineering and Underground Structures; Rock Dynamics; Geo-environmental Engineering; Landfills; Ash Ponds and Ash Utilization; Geotechnical Re-utilization of waste; Energy Geotechnology; Slope Stability and Dams; Ground Improvement; Geosynthetics; Reinforced Soils; Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Geotechnics; Foundations for Industrial Machines; Site specific response studies; Engineering Geology; Seismic Hazard Analysis and Microzonation; Expansive Soils; Geophysical Methods; Geotechnology for tracks and pavements; Blast and Impact Analysis; Dynamic Behaviour of Tunnels and Slopes; Landslides in Static and Dynamic Conditions; Offshore Geotechnology; Constitutive Modelling; Numerical Methods; Mechanics of granular materials; Post-Geodisaster Reconnaissance Studies; Bioinspired Geotechnics.

Structural Engineering : Analysis and design of structures; tall buildings; bridges; Earthquake engineering; wind engineering; offshore structures; masonry, RCC and steel structures; Construction Management; Construction Technology; Concrete Technology; structural dynamics; structural control; constitutive modeling; computational methods; modeling of damage, plasticity and creep of concrete; durability of concrete; rebar corrosion; modeling of cements; supplementary cementitious materials; use of marble, granite or other waste powder in concrete; composites; high performance concrete; self-compacting concrete; financial analysis; contract administration, quantitative methods in construction management; Infrastructure Project Management Risk and Financial Management; sustainable construction, green building, resilient infrastructure, design management, automation in construction; BIM (Building Information Modeling) in construction projects; structural health monitoring; smart materials and structures; tensegrity structures; biomechanics; engineered bamboo structures; artificial intelligence; damage assessment and strengthening; microstructural modeling; mechanics of composite materials; non-destructive testing and evaluation using ultrasound; subsurface imaging using ultrasonic wave propagation; piezoelectricenergy harvesting; radiation damage; nanomechanics; multiscale modeling; fracture and failure modeling; mechanics of glasses & disordered materials; atomistic modeling, machine learning.

Transportation Engineering : Transport planning; Transport policy; Transportation safety; Construction work zone safety; Heterogeneous traffic flow modeling; Traffic safety and capacity of hill roads; Mass transportation planning; Urban transport infrastructure planning and design; Non-motorized transport planning; Modeling of pedestrian behavior; Activity-travel behavior analysis; Network modeling; Transportation logistics and optimization; Traffic operations; Geometric design of transportation infrastructure; Characterization of pavement materials; Pavement design (flexible and rigid); Damage modeling of bitumen and bituminous mixtures; Constitutive modeling of pavement materials; Recycling of civil infrastructure materials; Rheology of asphaltic materials; Condition assessment of highway infrastructure; Pavement management systems; Highway engineering; Airport infrastructure.

Water Resources Engineering : Hydrology in natural and urban environment; Hydrological modeling and simulation; Stochastic processes; Data mining in hydrology; Flood forecasting and modeling; Snow and glacier hydrology; Snow dynamics; Hydroclimatology; Climate change effects in water resources; Watershed modeling; Large river basin modeling; water resources systems, planning and management; Water allocation; Water resources conflicts; Irrigation management; Flow through porous media; Ground water modeling; Ground water contamination & remediation; Contaminant transport modeling; Leachate pollution; Bioremediation; River water quality modeling; Environmental impact assessment of water resources projects; Surface and subsurface drainage; Hydraulic structures; Sediment transport; Application of numerical methods, CAD,FEM, GIS, and Remote sensing in Water Resources Engineering. Slurry Pipeline, CFD modeling of Multiphase flows, Economic Analysis of water resources projects; Anomalous Hydro Dynamics; Transport Phenomena.   

Catalysis and reactor engineering, Multiphase flow & rectors, Control of reactors, Petroleum refining engineering, Computer Aided Design, Computational fluid dynamics, Microfluidics, Hydrodynamic, instability, Particle technology, Mixing, Fluidization, Distillation and other separation processes, Complex fluids, Interfacial engineering, food, Polymers, Polymer rheology, Membrane synthesis & processes, Biomass, Bioseparations and Bioprocessing, Process operations planning and scheduling, Biosimilars, Quality by design, Protein characterization, Colloids, and interfacial science, Nanotechnology, Biosensors, Renewable energy, Biorenewable Chemicals and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Electrochemical process, Hydrogen fuel cells, Lithium-ion batteries, Electrochemical modeling Supercapacitor, Electrochemical energy storage Devices, Flow batteries, Therapeutics, Drug delivery, Waste management, Environmental engineering, Aerosols, Air Pollution, Process systems engineering, Model Predictive control, Process monitoring, Application of machine learning in chemical process modeling and control Structural Bioinformatics, Polymer Informatics, Computational material design, Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.

Algorithms and Complexity Theory: Algorithmic graph theory, Computational geometry, Randomized algorithms, Approximation algorithms, Complexity theory, Online algorithms.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): Reinforcement learning and AI planning, Neuro-symbolic ML, Probabilistic graphical models, Statistical relational learning, Extreme classification, Embodied artificial intelligence, Ethical AI, Fairness and reliability in ML, Privacy issues in ML, ML for social networks, ML applications to healthcare, AI for crowd sourcing, Knowledge-based AI, Computational advertising, AI for robotics.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): Intelligent information systems, Information extraction, Question answering, Dialog systems, Knowledge-base completion, Neural architectures for NLP.

Databases and Data Analytics: Intentionmining,Policydrivendatabases,Informationretrieval,Information dissemination in social networks, Semantic web data management, Opinion mining, Indexing and querying in graph databases, Spatio-temporal data analytics, Data wrangling.

Architecture and Embedded Systems: Hardware-software co-design, Embedded systems design, Reconfigurable computing, Fault-tolerant computing, Hardware implementations, Temperature-aware architectures, Energy-efficient architectures, Design-for-debug, Cache memory, 3D and non-volatile memory, Architectural extensions for mobile security, Architectures for machine learning, Architectures for computer vision, Secure architectures.

Graphics and Vision: Computer graphics, Virtual reality, Computer vision, Digital image and video processing, Mobile multimedia, Embedded computer vision, Robotic vision, Medical image analysis.

Computer Networks and Distributed Systems: Mesh networks, 4GLTE/WiMAX, Cognitive radio, Cellular network measurements, Wireless networks, Network security, Operating systems security.
Programming Languages, Semantics and Verification: Programming language semantics, Theory and practice of concurrent systems, Process algebras, Distributed computing, Program analysis and verification, Logic in computer science, Applications of verification in network models, multiprocessors, and relaxed memory models.
Operating Systems, High Performance Computing and Systems Software: Compiler design, mobile operating systems and device drivers, Operating systems for IoT system.
Information and Communication Technologies for Development: Poverty mapping, Urbanization, Bias in mass media, Computer systems for less-literate populations, Content distribution in rural areas, Community radio, Community media, Mobile health, Governance and accountability.
Neuro informatics and Medical informatics: Functional MRI(fMRI), Electroencephalography(EEG), Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), Human Functional Connectome, Statistical Modeling, Yogic Neuroscience.
Cyber Security and Secure Information Systems: Formal notions of security, Formal verification for security, Language-based security, Secure architectures and Embedded systems, Network security, Block chain-based systems, Privacy and data protection, Electronic voting, Digital identity.

Asymmetric synthesis & catalysis, Biochemistry (Enzyme technology, Microbial Biochemistry, Fermentation & Bio-remediation, Cloning & Proteomics), Bio-inorganic chemistry, Bio-organic chemistry, Bio-physical chemistry, Carbohydrate chemistry, Coordination chemistry, Fluorescence Spectroscopy (Ensemble & Single molecule), Nano-materials (Optical Properties & Photovoltaics), Nano-catalysis in ionic liquids, NMR spectroscopy, Organometallic chemistry, Peptide synthesis, Quantum & Classical computer simulation on chemical & biological systems, Solid state chemistry, Supramolecular chemistry (Molecular Organisation & Recognition), Synthetic & Mechanistic organic chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry.

Industrial Design, Product Design, Engineering Design, Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Design for Product Life-Cycle, Usability, User Experience, Design for Wellness, Design for Sustainability, Design for Environment, Packaging Design, Visual Narratives, Comics Studies, Design for Children Education, Visual Communication, Healthcare Design, Design of Sustainable Habitats, Data Science and Design, Design of Assistive Technologies, Design for Culture, Design for Industry 4.0.

Circuits, Systems and Devices Engineering: CMOS technology and VLSI design, device modeling, simulation and characterization, device fabrication and reliability, compact modeling and PDKs, nanoelectronics, quantum computing, nanomaterials, nanophotonics, plasmonics, biosensors, fiber-optic and chip based optical sensors, photonic and optoelectronic materials and devices, LEDs and solid state lighting, CMOS image sensors and vision systems, photovoltaics and photodetectors, memory devices and architecture, logic device design, neuromorphic computing and NVRAM technology, machine learning, bio-inspired devices and circuit design, spintronics and micromagnetics, MEMS evices, energy harvesters and piezoelectric devices, low-power analog design, low-cost sensors and flexible electronics, quantum electronics, energy harvesting, measurement and instrumentation, power semiconductor devices, analog and mixed signal circuit design, high speed circuit design, electromagnetics, microfluidics and microplasmas.

Power Engineering : Electric machines and drives – Electric machine design, control and converter design, Power electronics – converter topology, multilevel converters, magnetic component design, Wide Band Gap device converter design, Power systems-Protection, stability, optimization, power quality, HVDC & FACTS, Computer applications-development and design of control platforms, CAD software for system development, Renewable energy systems -Solar, wind, micro hydro etc.
Communication Engineering: Signal Processing, Speech and Image Processing, Coding & Information Theory, Communication Systems, Optoelectronics, Optical Communications, Communication Networks, Wireless and Mobile Communications, Microwaves, Antennas.
Computer Engineering : Computer Vision, Multimedia Systems, Image Processing, Computer Networks, Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems, Mobile computing, soft computing, Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology, Music information retrieval, Bioinformatics, Brain-computer interface.
Control Engineering: Robust Control, Intelligent Control, Robotics, Optimal Control, System Identification, Neuro Fuzzy Control, Reinforcement Learning Control, Non linear Systems and Control, Dynamical Systems, Applications to Biomolecular Circuits, Flight Control and Navigation, Adaptive Control, Cooperative Control and Path Planning, Sensor Fusion, Guidance, Navigation and Flight Control, Sliding Mode Control, Interval Analysis in Control Design, Computational Methods, for Simulation and Control, Modeling and Model Order Reduction, Attitude Control and Structural Control, Numerical Modeling and Simulation Embedded Control System.
*Full-time applicants with UGC(JRF),CSIR(JRF) and other government funded fellowships(OGF) will also be considered. Applicants must have a minimum of four-year education after 12th standard with degree in science, engineering or medicine (B. Tech/M. Sc./BE/BS/MBBS) or equivalent.

Literature, Sociology, Psychology, Linguistics, Philosophy, Economics.

NOTE: Candidates must refer to the Department website ( for details on areas of specialization in which applications will be considered.

Algebra, Cryptography, Numerical Linear Algebra, Number Theory and Combinatorics, Dynamical Systems and Fractals, Topology, Algebraic Topology, Harmonic Analysis, functional Analysis, Operator Theory, Pseudo Differential Operator, Numerical Analysis, Partial and Stochastic Differential Equations, Algorithms and Graph Theory, Machine Translation, Applied Probability, Stochastic Modeling, Queueing Theory, Optimization, Game Theory, Financial Mathematics.

Design Engineering: Mechanical Vibrations, Rotor Dynamics, Damped Structures, Composite Structures, Smart structures, Active Vibration Control, Experimental Modal Analysis & Identification, Structural Dynamic Modification, Finite Element Model Updating, Dynamic Design, Noise Engineering, Condition Monitoring, Bearing Dynamics, Lubrication, Mechanical System Design, Precision Machine Design, Computer Aided Mechanical Design, Computer Controlled Mechanisms, Vehicle Dynamics, Modelling the Impact of Vehicles, Impact Biomechanics, Concurrent Engineering Design, Mechanisms, Robotics (including Medical Robotics), Medical Devices/instruments, Multibody Dynamics, Application of Multibody Dynamics in Design and analysis of Rural Engineering Systems, Computational Mechanics ,Fracture Mechanics, Fatigue & Failure analysis, Experimental solid Mechanics, Mechatronics, Sensors and Actuator Design, MEMS, Design of Microsystems, Nanomechanics, Artificial Intelligence Applications in Mechanical Engineering & Expert Systems for Design & manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Applications to Medical Science. Public policy and governance, Transportation (Railways , Freight ).

Thermal Engineering: Phenomenological and Multi-dimensional modeling of IC Engines, Fundamental and Applied Combustion, Air Pollution: Characterization and Remediation, Microfluidics, Phase Change, Multiphase Flows, Electrochemical Energy Systems, Fluid-structure Interaction, Bio heat transfer, Rural Energy Systems, Biomass Gasification, Clean Coal Technologies, Solar Cooling, Thermal Comfort, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning System, Computer Simulation and Design of Thermal System, Heat and Mass Transfer Systems, Heat and mass transfer, Porous media Convective drying , Inverse heat transfer, Continuous casting, Pico-hydel power units for rural electrification and production of char using water biomass.

Production Engineering: Metal Cutting, Metal Forming, Welding, Metal Casting, Material Characterization, Non traditional Manufacturing Processes, Measurements & Metrology, Grinding of Ceramics and Metal Matrix Composites, Processing of Polymers & Composites, Injection Molding, Microcellular Injection Molding, Finite Element Applications in Manufacturing, CAD/CAM, Rapid Prototyping, Intelligent Manufacturing, Micro & Nano-Manufacturing, Biomaterials and Medical Implants, Nanocomposites, Modeling of Material Behavior, Lean concepts in Machine Tool Design. Manufacturing Automation, Magnetorheological Finishing.

Industrial Engineering: Quality, Reliability and Maintenance, Lean Manufacturing, Agile Manufacturing Productivity Management, Operations Research, Operations Management, Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Applied Probability Models, Decision Support Systems, Value Engineering, Flexible Systems, Healthcare Systems, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, e-Business, Reverse Logistics, Financial Engineering, Wireless Systems.

Metals: Structure-property correlation in advanced materials, Fracture and Fatigue, Indentation, nano-scale friction and wear, Material characterization using advanced microscopy, phase transformations, solid-state diffusion controlled reactions, Synthesis and characterization of Metal matrix composites, Light metals and alloys, 3D printed metals and alloys, Auxetic materials, Bulk metallic glasses and composites, functionally graded materials, nanomaterials.

Polymers: Synthesis of polymers, structure-property correlation in polymers, rheology and processing of polymers, polymer matrix composites, tribology and mechanical behaviour of polymers, membranes for various applications, antifouling and antibiofouling materials and membranes, redox polymers, materials for energy storage, separation and purification, organic-inorganic hybrid materials, catalytic materials and nanomaterials for catalysis and environmental applications, 2D materials, graphene, Covalent organic frameworks, biodegradable materials, organically modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles, surface engineering using controlled radical polymerization techniques.

High Temperature Materials: Advanced ceramics, high entropy alloys, materials for extreme environments, thermal barrier coatings, alloy processing and properties, refractory metals and compounds, aluminide bond coats.

Computational Materials Science: Physics-and data-based modeling of materials, First principles based materials design, Molecular modeling of materials, Micromagnetic simulations, Multiscale Simulations, Finite element modeling, Machine learning for materials informatics.

Electronic Materials: Semiconductor nanostructures and device applications, magnetic nanowires and magnetic tunnel junctions for spintronics device applications, MEMS/NEMS devices, solar cell, organic electronics.
Glass and Ceramics: Optical Glass, toughened and tempered glass, structural and functional ceramics and glass ceramics.

Materials and Condensed Matter Physics: Thin Films, Materials and Devices, Novel Functional Magnetic Materials, Nanomaterials, Lattice Dynamics, Semiconductors and Amorphous Materials, Electronics Ceramics, Quantum Functional Materials, Superconductivity, Nanomagnetism and Spintronics, Spin Dynamics, Charge Carrier Dynamics and Electronic Structure Studies of the Correlated Electron Systems, e.g., Fe-based high-Tc superconductors, Complex oxides, Materials for Nuclear Energy, Spectroscopic imaging, Topological Insulator.

Optics and Photonics: Holography, High Density Data storage, Liquid crystals, Non linear Phase Conjugation, Optical Information Processing, Optical Data Security, Singular Optics, Nonlinear Optics, Nonlinear guided Wave Optics, Solitons, Quantum Optics, Fiber Optics, Integrated Optics, Fiber Optics Sensors and Biosensors, Fiber optics Components, Nanophotonics, Laser Spectroscopy and Applications, Terahertz Spectroscopy and Applications, Ultrafast Dynamics, Laser Processing and Fabrication, Green and Biophotonics, Photonic Metamaterials, Bio-Medical Imaging, Inverse Problems in Imaging, Optoelectronics.

Plasma Physics: Particle Acceleration, Non linear Waves and Instabilities in Plasma, Thermo Nuclear Fusion, Microwaves and Plasma Interaction, Solitons in Plasma, Space Plasmas, Terahertz (THz) Radiation Generation, Hall Thrusters, Interaction of Plasmas with Materials, Laser Plasma Interaction, Particle and Fluid simulations in Plasma.

Computational and Statistical Physics: Mathematical, Statistical Mechanics, and Computational Physics, theoretical Studies in ultra-cold atoms, Cavity Opto-mechanics with ultra-cold atoms, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics, Ultrafast Optics. Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysics, Ion-atom collision physics, Ion-irradiation of biologically relevant molecules.

Condensed Matter Theory: Designing Energy Materials, Thermal Transport, Electronic Structure, Band Engineering, Clusters and Catalysis, Pyroelectricity, Piezoelectricity, (Anti) ferroelectricity, (Anti) ferromagnetism, Multiferroics, Spin and Lattice Dynamics, Caloric Effects, Non-collinear Magnetism, Genetic Algorithm, Machine Learning, Force Field, Density Functional Theory, Kinetic Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics, etc.

Quantum Matters and Information System: Topological classification of semi-metals using experimental and DFT simulations, transport properties of these exotic materials under very low temperature, high magnetic field and high pressures, single crystal Topological Insulator, rare earth based Half Heusler(HH) alloy systems, cold atom based quantum technologies, trapping of cold atoms in optical potentials, controlling the environment induced decoherence, building large scale quantum information processing network, quantum computation protocols for solving industry and society relevant problems, quantum sensing devices and quantum metrology modules for precision instrumentations and measurements, collision of highly charged ions interaction with atoms, molecule of biological interest, clusters and ices of bio-and astrophysical relevance, bio-medical application to estimate the damages to the human DNA/ RNA caused by exposure to ionizingradiation.

High Energy Physics: Hot and dense hadronic matter and experimental observables in the nuclear collisions; nuclear astrophysics; Chiral symmetry breaking; Colour superconductivity, Phenomenological analyses of physics beyond the Standard Model in the light of Higgs, Collider, Dark Matter searches, neutrino masses & mixing and charged lepton flavour violation, Phenomenology of the strong force at small x.

Economics: Managerial Economics, International Economics, Productivity and Efficiency Analysis, Business Forecasting, Economic Feasibility & Techno economic Analysis, Sustainable Development, Socio-economic Analysis, Energy Economics, Econometric Methods and Applications, Macroeconomic Theory and Policy, Security and Information Risk, Merger and Acquisitions, Big Data Analytics, Digital Economy, Development Economics, Public Policy, Environmental Economies and Climate Change.

Finance: Financial Analysis and Valuation, Financial Management, International Financial Management, Capital Markets, Derivative Securities, Portfolio Management, Mutual Funds, Banking, Financial Markets and Services, Mergers and Acquisitions, Risk Management, Behavioral Finance, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Supply chain Finance.

Human Resource Management: Organization Management / Behavior / Development, Business Ethics, Leadership.

Information Systems: Management of Information Technology, Management Information System, Decision Support System, Social Media, Digitization and Smart Cities, Machine Learning, ICTs, Development and Business, Business Analytics, Electronic Commerce, Sharing / platform economy, e-governance.

Marketing: Marketing Management, Industrial and Hi-Tech Marketing, Advertising, Sales promotion.

Operations: Production, Management and Operations research, Sustainable and Big Data Operations, International Manufacturing Network, Enterprise Resources Planning, Project Management, Modeling and Simulation of Operations, Healthcare Operations System Analysis, Total Quality Management, Logistics Management.

Strategy: Management of Technology, Corporate Strategy, Global Competitiveness, Strategic Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Flexible Systems Management, Business Process Re-engineering, Strategic Business Management, Knowledge Management, International Business, Intellectual Property Rights, Strategic Thinking.

Textile Engineering: Design and analysis of yarn and fabric formation systems: rotor spinning, ring spinning, airjet spinning, friction spinning, weaving, knitting, nonwovens, braiding etc.; Structural mechanics of textiles; High stress elastic materials; Apparels and garments; comfort; handle and other functional aspects of fibrous assemblies; Design and development of technical textiles: geo-textile, filter fabrics, medical textiles, protective textiles, textile composites etc.; Systems analysis; Textile production and marketing: operation management and supply chain managements; Textile production and marketing: operation management and supply chain managements; Textile Instrumentation and machine development; Modeling and simulation of textile processes and products; Quality management.

Textile Chemical Technology: Textile chemical processing; preparatory processes; dyeing, printing and finishing, Surface functionalization by plasma and UV excimer lamp; Micro and nano-encapsulation; Conducting textiles; Natural dyes; Bio-active textiles; Textile ecology and environment.

Fibre Science & Technology: Synthesis and characterization of advance of advanced polymeric materials; Fibre formation processes; Modeling and simulation; Structure-property correlation; Functional and responsive polymers; Smart & intelligent textiles; Modification of natural and synthetic fibres; Nanotechnology in textiles: nonfibers by electrospinning, nanomaterials; Synthesis and application in textiles; Coated textiles; Polymer nanocomposites; Green Composites; Medical textiles, Tissue engineering; Sustainability and polymer & fibre recycling; 3D Bioprinting; Wearable electronics: Conducting fibres, piezoelectric materials, Supercapacitors, batteries etc. 

Signal Processing; Underwater Acoustics, Speech and Audio, General Acoustics, Machine learning, Optimization for Signal Processing, Acoustic Imaging, Multi Sensor Data Fusion, Digital Communications, DSP Algorithms; Microwaves and RF: Active and Reconfigurable Circuits and Antennas, Millimeter Wave and T Hz circuits and sub-systems, Microwave imaging; RF MEMS, Wideband Microwave Circuits, Modeling of Active Devices; Microelectronics: Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)Technology, Nanoelectronic & Optoelectronic Devices, THz Electronics, Semiconductor Powerdevices. 

Mesoscale Modelling: Numerical Modelling of the Atmosphere, Tropical Meteorology and Indian Monsoon, Land-SurfaceProcessModelling,Land-Atmosphere Interaction, Renewable Energy Meteorology, Renewable energy resource assessment and forecasting.

Ocean Modelling: Ocean Circulation Modelling, Ocean State Simulations and Forecasting, Storm Surges and Inundation, Coastal Ocean Processes, Simulation of Ocean Surface and Internal Waves.

Climate Modelling: Global and Regional Climate Modelling, Climate Dynamics, Climate Variability and Changes, Climate Change Detection; Attribution, Climate Projections, Climate Change Impacts on extreme events, health, agriculture, water resources and energy, Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions.

Air Pollution Modelling: Urban Meteorology, Chemical Transport Modelling, Health Impact Assessment of Air Pollution, Science of Extreme Weather.

EV technologies (Power train, Charger, charging Infrastructure, etc.), Battery for EVs, Battery management system (BMS), Autonomous and connected vehicles, Vehicle Telematics, Tribodynamics, Tribological and Acoustical materials, Surface Engineering, Condition Monitoring and Reliability.

Electrical / Electronic/ Instrumentation Engineering; Mechanical/Manufacturing/Production Engineering; Chemistry/ Biochemistry/Polymer Chemistry/ Material Sciences/ Pharmaceutical Sciences; Chemical Engineering; Mathematics/Physics/Bio-Physics; Computer Science Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Biotechnology, MBBS/BDS/Homeopathy (B.H.M.S)/Physiotherapy (BPT)) /Veterinary Sciences.

Internal Combustion Engines, Thermal Engineering, Solar Thermal, Power Systems, Power Electronics, Machine Drives, Control System and Devices, Instrumentation and Control, Solar Photovoltaics, Wind Energy, Hydro Power, Plasma Science andTechnology, Nuclear Engineering, Energy Conservation and Management, Bio Energy, Water Resources Engineering,Turbo Machinery, Materials and Metallurgy, Building Design and Energy Management, Computational Fluid Dynamics (Thermal Fluids).

Artisan technologies and rural industries; rural energy system; renewable energy technologies; biogas production and enrichment; biofuels, biofertilizers and biopesticides; biomass production, conversion and utilization; environmental microbiology and bioremediation; algal technologies; natural products processing (food, medicinal, aromatic, and cosmeceutical plants); eco-friendly grain storage systems; agro-food processing, storage and value addition; Food safety and quality measurement, 3D Printing of biological materials; bio-formulation for food preservation and storage; isolation, encapsulation and value addition of bioactives; biomass thermo chemical processing; clean cookstoves; solid and liquid waste management; wastewater treatment; wetland reclamation; clean and sustainable technologies; natural fibre products; environmental impact assessment; tissue culture; medicinal mushroom production technologies; panchagavya–processes, validation and standards; application of block chain technology and nanotechnology in agriculture.

Electronic and optical sensors, Mechatronics, Optical Metrology, Micro optics, Aspheric and freeform optics, optical instrumentation, Holographic microscopy, Digital speckle pattern interferometry, Optical coherence tomography and optical image processing.

Holistic Health and Wellness: All issues pertaining to holistic view of individual’s health and wellness. These include modern scientific research on proven mind-body techniques for physical and mental health, such as Mindfulness, Yoga, Tai-Chi, Qi-Gong, Ayurveda, Holistic nutrition and others. Yogic Neuroscience, Indian Psychology, Cognitive Sciences, Clinical trials on Yoga and Ayurveda, fMRI-based Neuroimaging (fMRI), EEG, MEG, PET, fNIRS.

Leadership for Sustainable Development: Various aspects of holistic and sustainable development. Notions of development which go beyond purely material well-being, and consider other aspects of human/societal well-being such as intellectual, emotional and overall happiness. Notions of development which encompass sustained co-existence among human-beings as well as with nature. How to create leadership (in various walks of life –especially in engineering/technology) for taking forward these alternate views on development.

Inner Development: Understanding first person mental phenomena, especially those pertaining to Meditation, Mindfulness and Contemplation in a rigorous academic framework. Theoretical frameworks for alternative worldview based on deep contemplative insights. Teaching and research on first person mental phenomena through accurate and reproducible observations.

Inner and Outer Harmony through Music and Arts: Classical music, dance and art forms that promote introspection, concentration, various aspects of self-awareness and devotion. Evolution of parallel streams of classical music in India. Development of classical art forms through folk art forms. Societal awareness through classical music. Streams of thought in classical music. Connections between 32ufism32c music and 32ufism. Technology-based analysis and dissemination of music.

Value Education and Technology: Teaching the teachers, tools and techniques for inculcating value education to students, especially at tertiary level of science and engineering. Research on effectiveness of various techniques for value education. Newer models of education. Use of technology for large scale dissemination of knowledge.

Scalable & Dependable Computing, Information Security, Biometrics, Information Storage and Retrieval, Data Analytics, Social Network Analysis, High Speed Networks, Sensor Networks, Mobile and Web Based Computing, Multimedia Systems, Embedded Systems, VLSI Design Automation, Internet of Things, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Medical Applications of IT, Computational and Systems Biology, Computational Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, Assistive Technologies, Human Computer Interfaces, Information and Communication Technologies for Development, Data Science for Development, Computational Sustainability, Geographical Information Systems, Blockchain Technologies, Location Based Services, Other areas aligned with school activities.

Telecom Networks,Telecom Software, Wireless Technologies, Optical Networks, Signal Processing,Telecom Systems Design, Planning and Management, Regulatory and Policy Aspects of Telecom Services and Systems, Embedded Telecom Systems, Telecom Network Management, Performance Analysis of Communication System and Resource Management, Wireless Security, Machine learning for wireless communication, Internet of Things.

Artificial Intelligence and related applications (Reasoning under uncertainty, Trustworthy AI, etc.), Machine Learning, Data Mining, Computer Vision and its applications (Medical Imaging, Perception of Mobility, etc.), Deep Learning (Generative Models, Graph Neural Networks, Neuro-symbolic reasoning, etc.), Natural Language Processing and related applications (Machine Translation, Summarization, etc.), Information Retrieval, Data Management, Robotics (planning, learning, human-interaction, embodied systems), Statistical Modeling, Data Science applications: Social Networks, Healthcare, Spatio-temporal data, Knowledge Graphs, etc.

IITD faculty from two or more different Depatments/Centres/Schools define Interdisciplinary Research problems as projects. The student selection is done for specific projects advertised periodically on the School website (; the student is supervised by all the concerned faculty.

Not accepting applications in this admission cycle.

Computational Biology, Systems Biology, Chemical Biology, Cellular Biophysics, protein folding & misfolding with focus on infectious diseases and non-communicable disorders, Chaperone assisted protein folding, Molecular biophysics of protein folding, unfolding and conformational properties, Cognitive and computational neuroscience, Viral diseases, Nanoparticle-based targeting, Structural Biology, Diagnostic Virology, Cancer Biology, Plant-based therapeutics, Marine Bioprospecting, insulin signaling and insulin resistant diabetes, Leishmaniasis, ion channel and receptor biology, Host pathogen interaction.

Transportation Planning; Traffic flow modeling and optimization, public transport systems; Sustainable Urban Transport; Travel Behaviour Modeling; Pedestrian Dynamics and Evacuations; Construction Safety and Work Zone Safety; Highway Safety; Vehicle Crash Modeling; Road Traffic Injury Prevention; Human Body Modeling and injury estimation; Pedestrian and non-motorized vehicle safety; Urban Freight, Road accident costing.

Dean, International Programs

Prof. James Gomes
Professor, Kusuma School of Biological Sciences, IIT Delhi