Delhi, the capital of India, is a megapolis with over 20 million inhabitants. For its size Delhi is relatively safe in terms of petty crime. Women students, when traveling in the city, should avoid lonely and deserted spaces, especially after dark. The Delhi metro provides a safe, comfortable and convenient means of travel till late in the night.
Security at IITD
The IITD campus provides all students a safe and secure environment to pursue their dreams. The Security Unit at IITD is well staffed and provides 24/7 surveillance, making IITD one of the safest campuses of the country. All entry and exits to the campus are manned and only visitors and students with identification are let in. The unit also help spread awareness on safety, crime and preventive measures, through periodic mails and ensures that all security measures are strictly adhered to on campus.
Women safety and gender sensitisation is given special importance. The Initiative for Gender Equity and Sensitisation (IGES) aims to create a safe and violence-free educational atmosphere for all, irrespective of diversities in identities of gender, sex, caste, class, ethnicity, language, race, disability and sexual orientation. IGES also advocates a zero tolerance policy against sexual harassment.
Dean, International Programs
Prof. James Gomes
Professor, Kusuma School of Biological Sciences, IIT Delhi